Baby Grape Simulator 2


Here I am: In a future of babies. I didn't think I'd ever see something like this. I'd think that minions would take over the world or something, but it just HAD to be babies instead. "What am I gonna do now?" I asked myself in panic. Suddenly, a blank paper  hit my face with a note stapled to it. The paper read in a remarkably bad hand writing: "Save the world, you idiot. If you're the only one who hasn't become a baby, then it's pretty obvious.". I looked around to see who or where this paper could've came from, but couldn't find anything that could've given me this. Whatever, I guess I better get started on saving the world.

Things get real

The second I put my foot outside of this destroyed house, 3 babies in robotic EXO suits surrounded the house, pointing their futuristic arm cannons at me. I raised my hands up as a sign of surrender and all three of them picked me up and flew me into the sky. The babies had brought me to a huge metallic building that had letters "BBQ" labeled on the front of it. Instead of taking a door at the bottom of the building, the babies simply just smashed through a window, leading to a very dark room that even the red damp looking light outside couldn't brighten. The babies set me down and after a few minutes of silence, I heard a clicking sound. A single rustic lamp hesitantly brighten up, revealing a giant hotdog Weiner-shaped figure wearing a top hat and a bronze monocle standing in the middle of the light. "So... You're still alive." The mysterious character said in a smug manner.
Out first, I had no idea who this was, but then, it struck me. This is Mr.Baby, the guy who knocked me out in that basement. "You son of a b word!" I shouted, not wanting to cuss because I am talking to a baby, "Why did you knock me out in that basement?! I loved baby grape simulator and I admired you! That is what I get for doing so?". "You don't understand, it's complicated" Said Mr.Baby "You see, that 'game' was supposed to be for the baby units I was recruiting and for them only. That game was supposed to show the cruelty of adults and what they'll do to rape us". Baby units? So this baby apocalypse has been planned for a while it seems. "If that was supposed to privately be for babies" I said "Then why was it public on the deep web?" Mr.Baby picked up a small cylinder-shaped object and then pushed a button. A cane extended out of it and he smacked me with it. "I never uploaded it publicly! You hacked into my private servers and downloaded the game because you were desperate and bored!" Mr.Baby shouted "I heard you next door saying that you're gonna make this public. I simply couldn't let the adults find out about this game, they'd probably find out about my baby units and take me down". I really wish I shared the game with the public sooner.
As I was about to speak again, he pressed a button and two babies in EXO suits appeared and took me to a jail room. They threw me into a cage and locked it. I couldn't believe that these events were real and I wanted to commit suicide, but I held back a urge. A baby guard stood in front of my cage and stuck his tongue out at me. I punched the wall until a shard of stone popped out of it. I took the shard and tried stabbing the baby in the nose with it, but no pain or wounds was inflicted. In confusion, I stabbed at the baby multiple times, but he just wouldn't get hurt by it. I threw the shard to the ground in defeat and sat in a corner, sobbing. "Hey" A raspy voice from the other corner said. I looked at the other corner and saw a man with a beard. It was Richard from baby grape simulator. "I know how you can kill the babies. You have to do what you do in baby grape simulator: Rape them. I am a baby raping veteran that was caught by the babies. I don't have the power to rape them anymore because they cut off my penis. If you can break us out of here, I just might be able to fight along with you when I find my penis again." I stuck my hands through the cage bar and pulled the baby against the bar. I started to rape him with all my might and he surely enough died. When his lifeless body hit the ground, a button fell out of his diaper. I pressed the button and the cage opened.
Me and Richard ran out from the cage and sprinted as fast as we could. Many babies chased after us at a surprisingly fast speed, but we stood ahead of them. Suddenly, a baby on a pipe from the ceiling jumped down on Richard's face and knocked him over. As I looked behind me, the crowd of babies were gathered around Richard, hitting him and releasing Wales of victory. I couldn't rape all those babies at once, so I kept running. Eventually, I made it out of the building and ran to a nearby alley way. I gave myself some light by using a box of matches I found and sat down.
I realized that I still had the clown suit on and tried taking it off, but I couldn't. I threw a match at the wall in anger and apparently hit a baby that was secretly watching me. The match went right into his eye and as he proceeded to struggle, I raped him. After living in the alley way for a few hours, I got hungry. I lit up some trash and made a bonfire to cook the baby. The baby was delicious and I wanted more, so I pulled in more babies that were nearby the alley way and penetrated them to death. I cooked those babies and ate them. I then realized that I had to take a rather large dump after eating all those babies. I pointed my ass to the outside of the alley way and forcefully shot the crap out. The shit flew like a bullet and hit flying EXO suit baby right out of the sky. I tried this again and realized I can now do this as an ability. Nearby cop babies spotted the poop coming from the alley and decided to check it out. I had my ass ready for them and fired at them on sight. They fell over, struggling to get the poop off, and I picked them up and raped them, one by one.
I loosely ran out of the alley way with a hole in the back of my pants and shat everywhere, hitting multiple babies. I went on a raping spree and nothing could stop me. I broke into a store and raped the cashier baby. I didn't want the money, I wanted the equipment. I stole a jetpack, a grappling hook just in case, and an EMP creator. A hoard of EXO suit wearing babies were waiting for me outside of the store. I got an EMP from the creator and stuck it in my ass. I launched out a piece of poop with the EMP stuck in it and all of the EXO suits that the babies were wearing were deactivated. The all couldn't move completely and I raped them all to death. Now I'm damn sure that no one can stop me.
A truck pulled up near me and a familiar looking baby jumped out from the back. This baby had a beard and a shirt that was strikingly similar to Richard from earlier's. The driver rolled down his window and shouted at me "Remember your little friend from the Big Baby Quarters? He's one of us now!" I couldn't believe that I'd have to rape the guy who helped me survive, but what has to be done has to be done.
I pointed my ass at him and fired a shit, but it started to float when it came near him and it was launched to the side. What the heck? Richard's eyes began to glow red and he let out a rectum curling scream. "Your EMPS and poopy will not work on satanically enchanted babies!"  laughed the driver baby. I put on the jetpack I stole earlier and tried to fly away, but. I was grabbed by Richard's satanic telekinesis. He threw me down to the ground and laughed in triumph. I shot an EMP into his mouth and it exploded. While this did nothing to him, it blew up the truck next to him. A piece of debris from the truck knocked him over and I knew that this was my chance to put him down. I tried raping him, but his ass was protected by a magical transparent shield. He lifted his head up and laughed. Out of anger, I shot my grappling hook at him and pulled out one of his red eyes. He screamed in pain and covered his now empty eye socket. I pulled out his other eye with the grappling hook and his satanic powers now seemed to be gone. I quickly raped him and left.
I headed to the BBQ which I recently learned stands for "Big Baby Quarters". I bursted into the door, more ready than ever. I shat on every baby I saw and EMPed every EXO suit baby at sight and raped them all. Eventually, the babies started to wear plastic masks to shield themselves from the shit, but I found my way to shit on them. I flew into the air with the jetpack and shat on top of all of their heads. Oh boy! More raping for me! I eventually began to do a rap about how much I love raping babies.
"Here we go dog! I love to rape, I love the grape, I am going wild like an ape! These babies ain't got nothing on me! They all end up being impaled like a tree! I am the king of-" A rock hit my head and I passed out.
I woke up with Mr.Baby being right in my face. "You've been busy" He said. I jumped up and shat at him, but he telekinetically threw it. Looks like he's been satanically enchanted. He began to laugh manically, but I shot my grappling hook at him. He jumped up and the hook instead grabbed the middle of his body. The hook tore him in half and Mr.Baby let out a blood curdling scream. "SO, THIS IS HOW IT IS?" He shrieked, "WELL, I'VE GOT ONE MORE TRICK UP MY SAUSAGE." Mr.Baby slammed a button next to him and a dank gas filled the room. I covered my nose and mouth, but Mr.Baby inhaled it all in. When the gas cleared up, a horrifying figure stood in front of me. It was a giant sausage that had a giant grape vine coming off it which wielded multiple grapes with eyes.
I ran away, but the eye grapes shot baby shaped lasers at me. I activated my jetpack and flew away from the building, but the sausage grape vine flew as well and continued to shoot it's baby shaped lasers at me. I got so scared that I shat myself. Some of the shit hit a grape eye and the sausage grape vine recoiled in pain. The vine then activated an EXO covering that fit it perfectly and covered it's eyes with an electrical beam. My shit was now useless as that electricity will probably instantly disintegrate the shit. I then pulled out my EMP creator and made 15 EMPS. I stuck them all in my ass and pushed and pushed as hard as I could, but I clogged my poor aching anus. The jetpack ran out of fuel and I fell on the top of a building. I pointed my ass at the sausage grape vine and pushed as hard as a could for my life. I then felt an insane burning in my rectum, I was pushing too hard. My body set on fire and I began to scream, but I kept pushing. A massive brown glowing laser beam blasted out of my butt, disintegrating the sausage grape vine immediately.
Not all was disintegrated, though. Mr.Baby fell from where the Sausage grapevine was. He got up, now having prosthetic legs. I tried to get up, but my body couldn't move anymore. The laser beam i released had disabled my body to the point where I'm now just a bent over living corpse. "You haven't won. You lost." Mr.Baby panted "You put too much faith in yourself to stop me and now look where it got you. This is the end of the line for you." Mr.Baby bent over and proceeded to stick his sausage head into my now wide and charred ass to rape me. Suddenly, a ghostly man pushed him over and raped him raped him. The ghost then stuck his hand in my ass, rejuvenating my body to be able to move again. I got up and saw that the ghost was Richard. "I'm sorry for trying to kill you back there when I was a baby" Richard sorrowly said "They took over my mind with the power of satan and I was unable to control myself." I hugged Richard and told him we must bring earth back to normal.


So, me and Richard raped all of the babies, one by one, and used a machine to turn those who weren't originally babies, back into adults. I also brought Richard back to life as well. Everything was normal again and I felt like a hero. I walked through the park and enjoyed life when I suddenly saw something that panicked me. It was a women pushing a baby around in a stroller. I almost unzipped my pants, but I decided to observe the baby before doing anything to it. The baby seemed just like how a baby should be. I patted the baby and walked away. Just kidding, I raped the baby because I now have an uncontrollable urge to rape babies from my experience in the baby apocalypse. This was my life now. I created a company dedicated to raping babies like in Baby Grape Simulator. This isn't insane, this is baby grape simulator.